A city is a creation of architecture, a spatial object – on a large scale. Over the centuries, its image has been shaped and it carries with it experiences from the past, which makes it recognizable. The larger the tissue, the more difficult it is to encompass it in its entirety. Masterplan is a comprehensive solution that treats the area as a whole but also goes into detail. The holistic approach guarantees a wide range of benefits from the perspective of the city and the user, as well as the sense of security and biological balance.
· Smart light, Reduce crime
· Better face recognition
· Lepsza rozpoznawalność otoczenia
· Good products – less failure rate.
· Using light where it is needed, when it is needed and in the amount it is needed – Reducing light pollution, Reducing CO2
· Ability to monitor the environment – light pollution in protected green areas (Natura 2000, ecological corridors, large green areas)
· Guidelines limiting lighting from streets into green areas
· Controlled lighting at night (automatic switching off of lighting in green areas)
· Intelligent control reduces the impact of light on disturbing flora and fauna.
· Systematizing the method of lighting urban spaces
· Making the city more legible by illuminating the facades thanks to the LL component
· Improving the identification and tourist attractiveness of the city and strengthening the city’s identity by introducing the CL component
· Easy orientation in the city at night by properly highlighting landmarks and communication routes
· Better visual communication of districts and main communication routes, making roads more readable for drivers
· Adjusting lighting conditions in accordance with the given land use
· Improving the quality of lighting in the city and the perception of this space by systematizing parameters such as light colors, form of lighting fixtures, luminance, height of light points, and quality of color reproduction.
· Introduction of visual order during the day and light order at night and control of the development of the city’s lighting system – a coherent night image
· Giving the city a unique character from the others surrounding it.
· Improving the city’s marketing image outside.
· Introducing light paths and displaying elements/objects related to the mental map of the city.
· Isolation of the main axes of the city – legibility of the city structure, guiding tourists, consistent illumination – hierarchy of objects
· Identification of districts, light paths, the nature of historical and modern areas